Wednesday, July 29, 2015

6 months ago today was Terrible Thursday

So, Terrible Thursday was 6 months ago today…. I figured I should post an update on how mom is doing.

She’s been going back to work 4 days a week for 4-5 hours a day, but some days she only makes it a couple of hours before she’s exhausted. Her stamina just isn’t there and she’s pushing herself pretty hard to get back to the grind. Lately, she hasn’t been sleeping very well and getting only 3 hours or so of sleep, so I think that’s catching up to her. She hadn’t been napping at all during the day, because she didn’t want to make it harder to fall asleep. I believe she’s been trying to get some catnaps now, which should be helping.

The black bits on her hands and feet are completely gone now! She only has her right foot bandaged from the ball of her foot and over the toes, because of the open wound on her big toe and the “hole” on the end of her middle toe. The big toe is almost healed up, but that middle toe is still draining. The foot doctor saw her this week and wants her to come back in 4-6 weeks. If everything is all healed by then, she doesn’t need to come back. Yay!