Monday, March 23, 2015

Possibly the last blog post... happily ever after?

Mom had her dialysis port removed on 3/13! Yay! She's officially done with dialysis. She's going to be going in on Wednesday to have a procedure done to remove the small stones in her left kidney. They'll be going in through the nephrostomy tube to do this, then they'll remove that tube. They haven't decided how they're going to get rid of the large stone in her right kidney, but are talking about possibly making it "explode" and then pulling the pieces out using laparoscopy. That won't be done for another few weeks.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Quick update: Mom's home now!

Just a quick update here... Mom went home Tuesday evening and is settling in there just fine. They're running around a lot to PT/OT and miscellaneous doctors appointment, but she's sleeping much better now that she's at home.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly Updates Now...

I'm going to just be doing these updates once a week now, things aren't changing enough to have much to talk about on a daily or every other day basis. Unless something happens, I'll be doing weekly updates.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

It's been a month now...

Well, it's been about a whole month now since mom went from a healthy 61 year old to almost dying. She's come so far in such a little amount of time!! My son and I went up to visit her yesterday for a few hours - we wanted to go for a few days, but they were calling for snow today. It was a great visit and she's doing so much better since I saw her 2 weeks ago. He helped her do some of her therapy exercises and worked on typing with her on her laptop. It's hard for her to type, since she doesn't have much feeling at all in the fingers of her right hand. She has a heavy finger on the "K" key, which provided lots of laughs for them.