Thursday, February 5, 2015

Can you say creepy much?

This hospital is so high tech, they're letting SkyNet inside... They have these automated machines that are supposed to sense where people are and avoid them, yet take their loads wherever they're supposed to go. They are called "tugs" that carry food, laundry, or trash.

These machines look like they're watching you and appear to chase you down the hallway, instead of avoiding you. It's creepy as all get out. My sister is freaked out about them and will go down the other hallway to avoid one. I'm waiting for one to peek around the corner into mom's room, looking for her.

This is what they look like:

Also, if you're a little OCD like me, these floors suck. There are absolutely NO straight lines and it's all "modern". Gack!

Mom is doing alright this morning. She isn't tolerating that blasted tube in her throat much, gagging to the point where she looks like she might try to vomit. They're doing another round of dialysis this morning - after that's done, they'll let her rest a little bit and then do another breathing trial.

Speaking of dialysis, our amazing dialysis nurse is back from yesterday (Tara)... she was off today, but they called her to see if she could come in and do one patient. She said she'd do it if she can do our room. :) See how awesome they are? We really enjoy her.

That's it for now....

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