Thursday, February 12, 2015

Guest Blogger!

I'd like to welcome my guest blogger.... my mom!!! She got very emotional while she was dictating this to me and had a hard time getting it all out.

Thank you for all the well wishes, prayers, or whatever good juju you sent my way. When I was lost in my many dark and scary hallucinations, before I came back, I didn't know that my family was there. But the one thing I did feel and know was a bed of light holding me up; just a feeling of lightness. I truly believe that THAT is what love and prayer feels like to people. I just wanted to thank everybody for sending that to me, because I thoroughly believe that that's part of my miracle. 
I'd also like to thank Parkview Regional Medical Center for saving my life, for persisting past hope. They've been my cocoon while I'm healing and couldn't have asked for a better hospital to land in.

Also, today's nurse pushed back on the Skin and Wound care team and got them to come down and take ownership of the blisters/open wounds on mom's legs and feet. They have a plan for how to care for them now and therapy was able to get some really awesome new kicks for mom to wear: Darko Shoes. Bonus, I was able to load up a video of her walking!!! Check out my mama walking the halls!


  1. Alice looks and sounds wonderful!

  2. Great to see Alice walking! So glad she has shown so much strength.

  3. The situation breaks my heart, and fills me with joy to watch the video! Talk about mixed emotions! Take care Alice!
