Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 13: Videos and status

Now that I'm away from the hospital wifi, I went ahead and got the videos uploaded to blogger so you can see.

Keep in mind, it's difficult to watch, because it's so hard for her to control her hands yet. She doesn't have much feeling in her fingers from the first knuckle to the ends (and the skin is very tough, almost leathery or if you had a bad burn).

This is the fist video of her doing the block set of shapes into their corresponding holes. It was taken on Sunday at around noon. Unfortunately, I hit stop just as she got the last shape to go in successfully.

This second video was done this morning (Tuesday), so less than 2 days later. You can see how much better she's moving her hands and way more coordinated. Even since this video was done, she was improving how well her fingers work. She is now taking her pills from the pill cups with her fingers and putting them in her mouth.

Mom is exhausted after all of her work standing up and sitting today.... I'm kind of concerned about her bad foot, there are more blisters and it looks worse to me. Her nurse took down notes to talk to the infectious disease doctor to look into.

It was really weird leaving the hospital today (to sleep at my parents' house in Bryan). My sister and I were the primary caregivers at the hospital, aside from the nurses and doctors. She left Sunday, so it's all fallen on me to do. It's almost like when you have a baby and leave the baby with a sitter for the first time. I feel stressed, anxious and worried.... I know she's in good hands, but it's a weird feeling. I checked in with my sister tonight, she's been having the same issue since she got home.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This has got to be so hard on Alice! I know she appreciates all that u do! I hope u find a nice place for her re-hab! Please give her our best and that she has a full recovery!
