Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 18: We're getting there!

This is going to be kind of a short blog post, since I'm not up there with mom to get all the information about what's going on. I'm also depending on my dad and my sister to send me pictures. It's really hard not being in the middle of it anymore, since I had been there in the thick of things for the past 2.5 weeks. You end up feeling a little lost and not sure what to do with yourself once you go back to the real world.

Mom is absolutely loving her new digs at the rehab facility at Montpelier Hospital. She also took her first shower since all of this started, which is exciting news! They also were able to add a kind of rack to her bed to keep her blanket from resting on her feet when she sleeps. Christy sent me this picture after seeing her this afternoon.

She is finally able to produce some urine now, which is actually pretty huge news! We're hoping this means that her kidneys are starting to function again. She goes to dialysis at the center in Bryan for the first time tomorrow. They're going to try to do her therapy sessions before she goes to dialysis, since she'll be too exhausted afterwards to do it.

Oh, she was able to eat her cereal with a regular spoon this morning - not using the tube utensil holder.

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