Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 15: Look who's walking!

No more baby steps for this girl, she's taking giant leaps! She was concerned that the therapists were going to be pushing her to improve too fast, but she's amazing the therapists with how she's pushing herself. Mom was also worried that she was going to get addicted to her pain medicine, which they assured her that she's fine. She ends up being in more pain than she needs to be in, because she's trying to "tough it out" and take less meds. I think the nurses, therapist, and I have talked her into taking the meds she needs.

Just 2 days ago, I posted that picture of her standing for the first time, now look at her cruising her room with the walker. It's still very difficult, don't think this is easy work. She's able to push herself up into a standing position (with the walker in front of her) and then can shuffle around the room. Her OT took her on a walk to the bathroom to use the actual toilet AND to get her hair washed - hair washing was done *after* I did this picture. It's been an exciting day around here so far.

I do have a video of her walking, but since the hospital WIFI hates videos, I can't do much with it.

Funny story about her nurse from last night. He was a very serious guy and mom kept saying he was like the guy from Dragnet, "Just the facts, ma'am." We really liked him... very serious and very anal about everything he did. Mom kept trying to talk to him to get him to open up. By the end of his shift, he was talking a lot (which I heard at 4 am when I was trying to sleep). 

That's it for now.... stay tuned for a post later today from a special guest blogger.... 

1 comment:

  1. U don't know how glad we r to see this,please tell her congrats for us😄
