Monday, February 9, 2015

Sleep, who needs sleep?

Ugh, mom is sleeping only about 4 hours a stretch, so this is one tired daughter blogger here.

The plastic surgeon came to see mom this morning. He popped in the room, looked at me, looked at mom, then said, "Uh, I think I have the wrong room." I questioned him about whether or not he was sure. He apologized and assured me that he was in the wrong place. (mind you, I recognized him from the last time he was in her room in the ICU) He told me he was supposed to see a patient with the last name Brown. Uh, yep, right room. He was absolutely astounded that he didn't recognize mom as she was sitting in her bed, eating breakfast. When he was in to see her on Friday, she still had tubes all over and looked like a different person. He basically cleared her to do anything therapy wants her to do: she can walk on her feet, shower, anything! Still not sure what's going to happen with her fingers and toes, but they keep saying "time will tell". Today, she's in less pain and has more itching, which sounds like she's starting to heal.

Yesterday, we gave her "Baby's First Blocks" to try to help her with her coordination of her hands:

It's pretty frustrating for her and her response is "No wonder babies get so frustrated with this! It's hard!" She's getting so much better with each day. Funny part of that exercise was her complaining that "the black bits" were getting in the way of the shapes going in the holes. (her fingertips)

Today, she was able to grab her styrofoam cup by herself and get it up to her mouth, without giving herself an ice water bath. I mentioned yesterday, we got her some holders to slide her utensils into, so she can try feeding herself. It's... awkward. She's way better with it today than yesterday, so she's close to mastering it. I only had to rescue a few of her mandarin oranges off her chest this morning. Here's a picture of what the holders look like.

Dialysis is now done by wheeling her bed out of her room and taking her down to the 3rd floor. Visitors can't go with her, so that's now my nap/shower time. I think she will be doing this 3 times a week, so not every day. Granted, I haven't talked to her kidney doctor lately, so I'm not sure what the plan is.

I'm here with them for another week, so I should be able to keep up with the blog. Sorry yesterday was a single post kind of day - we were super busy trying to move from one room to the other, we had to "move out" of our hotel room, and Christy had to head home at 4:00.

I'll post more later, but wanted to make sure I got a post out this morning... Smile everybody, life is good! :)

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