Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 26: Wonky heart

Mom doesn't seem to be handling dialysis very well. This time, she felt her heart start to get wonky (her term - means it was racing, but not to the point of a-fib), so she was able to say something to the dialysis nurse. They're monitoring her super close while she's on dialysis, so it's not a lack of attention at the clinic. They also aren't taking much fluid off of her, since she's urinating quite a bit now - today they added fluid to her. Dad bundles her all up, because she gets so cold going to/from the dialysis clinic and puts a mask on her to keep her air warm. He took a picture for me to share (cracked me up when I saw her):

Her hemoglobin numbers are up a little bit after the last 2 days of being down - still no transfusion or symptoms. They're keeping an eye on her to see if she starts to show symptoms, then they'll determine if they need to give the transfusion.

Dad is still going to town working on the bathroom - he'll definitely be done with the renovations by the time mom comes home. We're assuming insurance will be kicking her out at the end of the week. She'll still have to go to the clinic to get her bandages all redone and for PT/OT (Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy).


**Pictures coming, not too graphic, but figure I should warn!**




Here are some pictures of her knee.... first one from 2/3:

This one was from 2/16 (I think I shared this one before, but including it for reference):

And this one is from yesterday (2/19) - she's really healing up fast!


  1. Hang in there Super Alice! You're making so much progress! We're all so excited to hear about the strides you're making every day. We should get you a cape to wear!
