Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 21: Drama mama is back!

Well, it's been an interesting day for mom.... she froze her tail off to and from dialysis. She started to feel a little "funny" while she was there on dialysis, but figured she was just overly tired and cold. When she got back to the hospital in Montpelier, she really wasn't feeling right, so they checked and her heart was racing. They think she's getting back to atrial fibrillation, which should be easily controlled by meds, but they need to keep her monitored just in case. So... they moved her to the ER of the Montpelier Hospital to get her on some monitors. They were going to transfer her back to Parkview in Ft. Wayne, but the roads are really horrible right now, so they're sending her to the Bryan Hospital instead.

She's tired, but sounds okay on the phone. I don't think it's life threatening or anything, but not being there, I'm not getting any information from medical folks, just second hand.

Her wounds definitely seem to be improving. Dad sent me some more pictures that include her hands. Fair warning, don't scroll down if you don't want to see them. Here's a nice picture of her for the preview to show, so it's not wounds.... :)





* Warning, pictures ahead *




Here are the pictures from today. I'll add a few pictures of what her hand looked like when she was still in the ICU for frame of reference. It's looking WAY better.

Here's what her hand looked like when she was still in bad shape. These two pics are from 2/1:

These are from 2/3:

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