Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another week at rehab!!

Mom gets to spend another week at rehab, thank you insurance company! I think it's a relief for both mom and dad, she has time to heal up more and do intense therapy while he has more time to work on the house. My kiddo and I are super excited to be going up north this weekend to visit with my parents... mom is really looking forward to seeing her grandkid again!

She was allowed to skip dialysis yesterday, then had an appointment with the urologist today. They are planning on removing her kidney stones in a month or so. They'll do surgery to get the one out and then do ultrasonic to break up the others. Yay for a plan! (even though the thought of surgery makes me nervous - I worry about her going under for it) To add more good news, she was told she doesn't need to go to her Friday dialysis appointment either!

They finally figured out why her hemoglobin numbers are so bad: there's blood in her stool. Before anybody asks, NO we don't know why there's blood in it. We just know that it's there and they're still trying to figure out why. At least we know that and they can move forward to figure out more info.

Mom's company and boss have been amazing. They had a team meeting at her hospital room today and her boss gave her a new keyboard to work with. Here it is:

I think I'm going to do my blog posts every other day or so.... things aren't changing as quickly as they used to, so there isn't as much information to put out there. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

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