Friday, February 6, 2015

The tube is out now!!!

Holy crap, best day yet, the tube is out! 

Sorry yesterday ended on kind of a downer post, it was so difficult for us (and mom). It was a long frustrating night of trying to understand what she was trying to tell us. Mouthing around the stupid tube, trying to point to the communication board.

She was on a breathing trial all morning while she was on dialysis. You should see my Wonder Woman mama.... she's been in here doing all kinds of exercises with her arms, hands, and legs: lifting her arms, flexing her hands and feet. She even raised her head up to get her hair washed. She is doing an amazing job of trying to get strong...

Anyway, kind of a short blog post, but I wanted to get this out there. So freaking excited for her!

For your funny for the morning, this is the communication board.... I think the "I feel sick" box doesn't quite like what they're going for. lol