Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 25: Adding new issues to the list

We just found out that mom has a thyroid issue now. She found out after mentioning her worry about her hair falling out so bad lately. The nurse said it was related to her thyroid problem and was a little curious why mom didn't know about it. There are probably going to be a lot of these to pop up in the near future. We'll just add that to the list of the issues she has now. 

Her hemoglobin (the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.) is also low, but they're keeping an eye on things for now. If she starts showing symptoms, then they'll have to do a blood transfusion.

Today, some friends of her stopped by to visit and gave her a haircut. It's not too short, but it'll be easier to maintain and less noticeable with the hair loss.

I also hadn't posted a picture of her beautiful kicks that keep her feet off the floor and safe from infection. I know, as soon as you all see these, you're going to be running out to your nearest medical supply store to get a pair of your own. They're all the rage this year. 

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. I needed a break from blogging and took a day just for myself and hung out with some good friends. Back at it today and posting! :) Thanks for your continued positive thoughts and prayers you've sent her way. She is obviously improving and doing better, but still has issues and still has a long recovery ahead of her.

1 comment:

  1. Mom looks great!! And those kicks are going to be all over the runway next year.
