Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 22: A little more drama

Mom is still at the Bryan Hospital. They got her heart settled down to normal, but now she has a low-grade fever. They're concerned about an infection, so they've done cultures and are keeping an eye on her overnight. Tomorrow morning, she will go to dialysis in Bryan and then should be heading back to the Montpelier Hospital for rehab. I have no idea what's going on with insurance and if they're going to allow her to go back to the rehab facility. They tried to put the paperwork through, but the insurance system was down, so they'll try again tomorrow morning. Right now, we're playing it by ear.

After talking to the HR lady at mom's work, they're going to assign somebody to be an advocate on mom's behalf. Hopefully, this will help us a bit with the insurance situation.

Through all of this, mom is still chipper as can be and sent me this selfie for use in this blog post. Isn't she cute?


  1. Replies
    1. She is (in my opinion) pretty young... 61 years old.

  2. Your mom looks great! I hope the insurance pulls through and helps to cover rehab.
