Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 6: End of the day update

Mom is now off of the continuous dialysis machine and will now be getting conventional dialysis for 4 hours every day or every other day, depending on what she needs. Now that she has pain meds again, she's been sleeping a lot, which is good. I can't even express how hard it was seeing her struggle. Positive note: she's able to respond to us by nodding her head and blinking her eyes when we ask her questions. She hates the tube in her throat, she's in pain, and she's pissed that she's in the hospital. (no surprise there)

They brought in a nurse from Skin and Wound care for the blisters and her fingers/toes, but mom is way worse than she can deal with. They're going to be calling in plastics to look at her - not sure when they'll make it up here. I know we waited 2 days for Skin and Wound to get here.

She did go down to get a CT scan of her chest and abdomen to look for abscesses or anything else that might be causing her white blood cell count to be so high. Here's a shot of her being wheeled out for her scan.

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