Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Next step: running? (j/k)

Mom has had a busy last few days. We got her the blocks I mentioned in a previous post. I took a video of the first time she did it, which is pretty hard to watch - her fingers just aren't working that well for her. The right hand is too curled/clawed (therapy is working with her on that) and she can't feel her fingers from the middle to the ends. This morning was the second time she had done the activity, but she was able to do almost all the blocks in the same amount of time she did two in the first video. I tried to upload videos of it, but the wifi here won't cooperate with me.

Mom's other huge milestone today was getting out of her bed! When therapy came on Friday, they had her sit on the edge of the bed. It was SO hard for her to get there and she could barely sit upright. The therapist had to constantly support her and mom couldn't sit there for very long. Today, therapy got her sitting in her bed:

Then they got her standing up! Granted, it was WAY harder than she expected it to be and she could barely breathe while standing upright. She kept coughing and couldn't talk or catch her breath while she was standing.

She was able to sit up in a chair for about 1.5 hours before she was SO tired. She also hadn't had any pain meds since the night before, so she was REALLY hurting. Tomorrow morning, she will have dialysis and then in the afternoon she'll have more time with therapy. She's going to be pooped! While she's at dialysis, dad and I are going to be touring some rehab facilities. That ought to be interesting.

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